

About ver.di

The Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di), or Verdi for short, is a German trade union based in Berlin. The union employs around 3,400 people nationwide, 560 of whom work in the federal administration. Verdi was formed in 2001 through the merger of five individual trade unions and is a member of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). With around 1.9 million members, Verdi is the second largest German trade union after IG Metall. Verdi campaigns for the interests of employees in service professions and is committed to social justice, equality and democracy. The union is organised into ten regional districts and five specialist areas and is led by a nine-member federal executive board. Its tasks include collective bargaining policy, social policy, benefits for members and educational work. Verdi is independent of political parties and governments and protects the interests of its members.
Legal form: ver.di - Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft

Facts and figures

  • Branch: Trade union (Services)
  • Area of operation: Germany
  • Languages: De
  • Templates: ~ 800
  • Assets: ~ 3.000
  • Publications: ~ 12.000
  • Users: ~ 2.200
  • Client since: June 2017
  • Specifics: SSO, MS Azure [...]