ci-book™ • Font Controller

ci-book™ • Font Controller


As a comprehensive web-to-publish solution, ci-book™ offers numerous extensions that further support the central tasks in marketing as supplementary applications.

One of these tasks is the control of fonts used in all publications.

Short description

  • With the optionally available ci-book™ • Font Controller, the fonts to be used according to the specifications of the corporate design can be centrally controlled and monitored.
  • The control of the fonts used serves both a consistent brand identity and compliance with licensing requirements.
  • The ci-book™ • Font Controller provides an overview of the fonts used and the formatting applied at any time.
  • Necessary adjustments or corrections to the fonts can be implemented directly for all templates, documents and publications.
  • The ci-book™ • Font Controller can also be used to automatically exchange complete typesets for translations or online publications.