ci-book™ • Activity Reporter
Introduction Even though d-serv GmbH is convinced of the benefits of its Web-To-Publish solution ci-book™ and considers the associated costs to be reasonable, …
ci-book™ • Font Controller
Introduction As a comprehensive web-to-publish solution, ci-book™ offers numerous extensions that further support the central tasks in marketing as …
ci-book™ • Job Advertiser
Introduction Companies are aware of the situation on the labour market and compete with each other to attract the employees they need or want. They do not …
ci-book™ • KeyVisual Creator
Introduction As a comprehensive web-to-publish solution, ci-book™ offers numerous extensions that further support the central tasks in marketing as …
ci-book™ • One of the most feature-rich web-to-publish solutions on the market
Introduction ci-book™ offers a wide range of functions and, according to a survey by Melaschuk-Medien, is one of the offerings on the market that enables …