ci-book™ • Job Advertiser

ci-book™ • Job Advertiser


Companies are aware of the situation on the labour market and compete with each other to attract the employees they need or want. They do not assume that applicants will come to them "on their own" or "unsolicited", but that they must actively seek their application.

Employer Branding and Personnel Marketing are therefore among the primary tasks of companies, whereby job advertisements, whether for online or print media, continue to be an essential means of communication to reach potential employees and convince them of the advantages of employment. Nowadays, the advantages are more and more the own tasks, the personal responsibilities, the temporal and local flexibility of the work to be done and furthermore - the management style prevailing in the company.

Short description

  • The optional application ci-book™ • Job Advertiser automatically creates suitable ad formats for the screen sizes of stationary and mobile devices.
  • The ci-book™ • Job Advertiser and the use of its standardised transfers to the job portals enable a consistent quality of the job advertisements. The specific parameters and metadata of a job ad, for example category and localisation, also allow its automated (re-)use.
  • Market-leading job portals can already be used via the ci-book™ • Job Advertiser - connections to other job portals are possible.
  • The costs for placing the ads are not included in the ci-book™ • Job Advertiser.