Fotoware & ci‑book™

Fotoware & ci‑book™

PICTAday on 30 March 2023 in Munich

As part of the cooperation between Fotoware AS and d-serv GmbH, representatives from the specialist departments of companies for PR, marketing, sales and internal communication, as well as employees from publishing houses, advertising agencies and graphic design offices, can find out more about the integration of Fotoware's digital asset management system and d-serv's web-to-publish solution ci-book™ at the "PICTA day" on 30 March 2023. Further information on this integration can be found at Cooperations - Fotoware

Olaf Dannhauer from Fotoware and Pietro Triscari from d-serv are available to answer detailed questions and would be delighted to welcome you in person at PICTAday 2023 in Munich.

With its exhibitors from national and international picture agencies and service companies, the "PICTAday" offers an overview of the diverse range of products and services and the latest developments on the picture market, as well as an ideal opportunity for professional exchange among colleagues. Admission is free of charge for image buyers.

Time: 30 March 2023 - 10:00 to 18:00
Location: Old Congress Hall, Am Bavariapark 14, 80339 Munich
Registration and further information on the lecture programme: